JSM Electrical : Une entreprise de Terre-Neuve avec un portfolio national et international

JSM Electrical


JSM Electrical a été fondée en 1984 et travaille depuis de Terre-Neuve à la Colombie-Britannique en passant par l’Arctique et même dans les Bermudes. ISO 9001, l’entreprise a récemment reçu le prix d’excellence de la NLCSA.  La mission de l’entreprise décrite avec détails sur leur site web a retenu notre attention. En agissant ainsi, l’entreprise a pu développer une clientèle dont les besoins étaient prioritaires et un solide esprit d’équipe. Cette mission se résume ave les cinq concepts suivants : sécurité, intégrité, succès, travail d’équipe et formation continue.

JSM Electrical was established in 1984in Atlantic and over their 30 plus years have executed major contracts from Newfoundland to British Columbia and into the Canadian Arctic, not to mention having ventured offshore in Bermuda. 

JSM Electrical is an ISO 9001:2008 registered electrical and instrumentation installer with capabilities including planning/scheduling, budgeting, installation and commissioning services to industrial, institutional, commercial and aviation industry clients.

JSM Electrical is COR certified in New Brunswick, Newfoundland Labrador and Nova Scotia, ESA certified and licensed in Ontario and a CCA Gold Seal Certified participant.

Recently JSM was awarded the NLCSA Award of excellence.  

JSM Award


























We were impressed by the corporate mission posted on their site. By defining their mission so clearly, they have been able to build their company focused on customers’ need–while levering a solid team spirit. 

Key projects have included;

Cat 3 Dual Taxiways-Stage VII Pearson Airport, Toronto, ON

FOL Rankin Inlet, NU

Bermuda International Airport, Bermuda

St. John’s International Airport, St. John’s, NL

CFB Greenwood, Greenwood, NS

9 Wing CFB Gander, Gander, NL

Halifax Airport, Enfield, NS

12 Wing CFB Shearwater, Shearwater, NS

Penticton Airport, Penticton, BC

FSS Alert, Alert, NU

5 Wing CFB Goose Bay, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL

• High Voltage Distribution

Long Harbour, Voisey’s Bay Nickel Terminal Station

IOC 609 Substation

Featured project Burgeo Substation

JSM Feature Burgeo

















Kelligrews Load Growth Substation

8 Wing CFB Trenton, Trenton, ON

17 Wing CFB Winnipeg Power Upgrade, Winnipeg, MB

Pearson Airport Distribution Upgrade, Toronto, ON

• Electrical and Instrumentation

St. John’s International Airport Terminal, St. John’s, NL

Springhill Institute Expansion, Springhill, NS

New Law Courts, Corner Brook, NL

Windsor Lake Water Treatment Plant, St. John’s, NL

Long Term Care Facility, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL

Transport Canada Hanger, Moncton, NB

Elizabeth Towers, St. John’s, NL

Janeway Children’s Hospital, St. John’s, NL

Pearson Airport ATC Tower, Toronto, ON


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